Small Group Registration

Leadership Information

Small Group Leader Info:

Assistant Leader Info

Group Information

Please give a description of your group. Please include information that will give potential group members an idea of what they can expect at your group and ensure that it is clear and inviting. Please include your group's start date and how long it will meet (if only meeting for a limited number of weeks). Please also include in this area any materials or books that will need to be purchased by your group members. If children are welcome to attend your group with their parents or if your group will offer some type of childcare, you will want to include that information here. Finally, please give your name and contact information (how do you want your potential group members to reach out to you i.e. phone or email).

*At this time, Hope City does have some materials available to be used for Small Groups. Contact Pastor Wendy for more information.

Where will your group meet?

When will your group meet?

By typing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Hope City Community Church Leadership Honor Code and Small Group Leader Honor Code. I understand that my role as a small group leader is a leadership position and that others will look at my behavior as an example. I will do my best to live in accordance with the Scripture and these honor codes. I agree to submit to the policies and procedures of Hope City Small Group Ministries, and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of HCCC. I understand that HCCC retains the right to deny or revoke my leadership privileges if I fail to uphold the commitments made on this application.